Wisconsin Farm Bureau YFA Conference Sponsorship

Each year Young Farmer and Agriculturist members are invited to attend the Wisconsin Farm Bureau YFA Conference. The conference is held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Annual Meeting each December.

The YFA Conference includes workshops, entertainment, contests and networking time for members. Eligible Farm Bureau members are able to compete at the conference for the Achievement Award, Discussion Meet and the Excellence in Agriculture Award. The winners of these contests on the state level will compete at the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention.

For the last 10 years, Rural Mutual has provided over 50 sponsorships for first time attendees.  Sponsorships allow members to learn more about how they can be active within their Farm Bureau on the county, district and state level.

Save the date for the 2017 YFA Conference, December 1-3, in Wisconsin Dells.

What is the Young Farmer and Agriculturist Program?

The Young Farmer and Agriculturist (YFA) program is for Farm Bureau members between the ages of 18 and 35. It provides members with an opportunity to hone their leadership skills while networking with their peers.

Many of the young farmers and agriculturists who have participated in the program have gone on to become active county, state and national Farm Bureau leaders, as well as respected leaders in their communities.

Learn more from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau!