On behalf of Rural Mutual, congratulations to all the winners and participants from this weekend. Another great YFA and Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in the books!
Excellence in Agriculture: Lynn Dickman
The Excellence in Agriculture Award goes to a Farm Bureau member between the ages of 18 and 35 who is actively engaged in agriculture, but does not assume the majority of farm risk. Lynn is the District 5 representative on WFBF’s Promotion and Education Committee and the Waushara County Farm Bureau YFA chair. Learn more here.

Achievement Awards: Chad and Katrina Gleason
Farm Bureau’s Achievement Award is a contest that awards farmers between the ages of 18 and 35, who have excelled in their farming career, understand current issues affecting agriculture and have shown leadership and involvement in Farm Bureau and other civic organizations.The Gleasons, fourth generation farmers located north of Shullsburg, will compete at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2018 Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition, Rural Mutual Insurance Company provides a free financial plan. Learn more here.

Collegiate Discussion Meet Winner: Alison Wedig
The Collegiate Discussion Meet is a panel discussion in which collegiate members are judged on their ability to lead a committee discussion on current issues affecting agriculture and to develop consensus on an action plan to effectively address issues. Wedig is a senior at UW-Madison where she is majoring in life sciences communications. Learn more here.

Farm Bureau’s Discussion Meet Contest Winner: Jamie Propson
The Discussion Meet contest is a panel discussion in which Farm Bureau members between the ages of 18 and 35 are judged on their ability to express their ideas and opinions and reach a solution on current issues affecting agriculture. Propson is an agriscience teacher at Mishicot High School. She is a strong agricultural advocate who enjoys sharing the passion of Wisconsin’s diverse agriculture industry through the classroom and FFA Chapter. Learn more here.

Distinguished Service to Wisconsin Agriculture Award: Bill Bruins
Bill Bruins was presented the ‘Distinguished Service to Wisconsin Agriculture’ award for his outstanding contributions to Wisconsin’s agricultural industry. “Bill has served Wisconsin agriculture in many different capacities during his lifetime,” said WFBF President Jim Holte. Learn more here.

Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau Award: Steve Kling
Jackson County’s Steve Kling has received the highest award Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation bestows upon its members. Kling has been an active member of Farm Bureau for 39 years and served in key leadership roles at county and state levels. Learn more here.