There is no doubt that farming traditions run deep in the state of Wisconsin. Here at Rural Mutual we take pride in protecting farms across the state by not only offering local farm insurance expertise but by providing tools and resources to stay safe on the farm.
Here are 5 resources you need to look at during National Farm Safety Week:
On the home page of our Farm Safety section there are a number of categories to choose from to find more information… anything from ATVs to farm machinery. Explore the site for specific articles, tips to stay safe and links to valuable resources around the web. This is your one stop shop from farm safety advice to keep your employees, family, animals and property protected!

Farm Safety Assessment
On the same link mentioned above, along the right hand side, we provided a PDF link to a FREE Farm Safety Assessment. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and policies put in place while working on the farm. Take this quick assessment to check your emergency preparedness, flammable storage, vehicle use, welding safety, and much more! Click here to download.
This interactive website helps determine when a child, teen and adult are able to perform a specific job. You will find training resources, guidelines and downloadable documents to share with your family and employees. These free resources are sponsored by the National Farm Medicine Center, National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, and the Marshfield Clinic. Check it out!

Farm Safety videos
Learn about the growing farm safety traditions from Wisconsin Locals. This collection of videos has stories from Wisconsin farm families that have faced a life changing experience while on the farm. They stress the importance of safety and prevention. The website also provides some stories of families and Rural Mutual agents sharing how they are keeping Wisconsin strong and safe while on the farm. Don’t forget to share the videos on your social media for family and friends to see.
We can’t thank our partners enough for their support and dedication to farm safety. Check out what these organization have to offer your farm, whether it be posters to hang up in your buildings or ideas for safe play areas for the children. There are always ways to be safer while working on the farm!
We believe in protecting the families and children in our farming communities. Together we can keep Wisconsin strong and safe. For over 80 years, Rural Mutual have been putting farmers first, making us the number one farm insurer in Wisconsin!