We would like to acknowledge Mary Simmons, Premium Audit Dept. Supervisor, for 30 years of service at Rural Mutual.
Here are her comments:
What is the best thing about working at Rural Mutual?
Everyone counts and is appreciated.
What is the biggest change you have seen in your 30 years?
Technology. When I started I was thrilled to have an IBM Correcting Selectric Typewriter at my desk. Now I have my own personal computer.
How has technology changed how you do your job over the years?
The application of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data has made the largest impact. In 1989, Rural Mutual had a huge file room where paper policy files were kept and an off-site storage area where inactive files were stored until destruction. Today, information is accessed via computer and at our finger-tips for the most part 24/7.
What is your favorite memory?
Being re-hired. I actually started with Rural Mutual in May of 1983 in the Marketing Department and left for “greener pastures” in February of 1988. Keep in mind that this was just shy of a 5-year anniversary. Things, unfortunately, weren’t so “green” after all. In June of 1989, I interviewed for a position in the Finance Department at Rural, and started June 30, 1989.
Mary, thank you for all you do and for your fun, inviting spirit around the office!
Mary (left) pictured with Sara Leach Underwriting/Audit Manager (right)